💰 Current Prize Pool: Please Connect...
💰 Guess Cost: Please Connect...
💰 BNZ Balance: Please Connect...
🔥 BNZ Burnt: Please Connect...

New Game - Starting Soon™


  • The game starts with 5,000 BNZ in the contract.
  • The first guess cost 250 BNZ.
  • Each subsquent guess increases by +100 BNZ.
  • BNZ paid for each guess goes to the Prize Pool.
  • 1% BNZ fee goes to the Block Bonez treasury.
  • 1% BNZ fee is sent to the crematorium to be Burnt!
  • Guess correct and win the Prize Pool.

  • Available Tile
  • Processing tile
  • Incorrect Tile
  • Winning Tile

* 25% of the winning prize pool is returned to the wallet which started the game with the initial 5,000 BNZ Funding.