
Bonez are the native asset of the Block Bonez Ecosystem

Bonez is a deflationary asset that will be used to purchase exclusive NFTs from the Trait Store*. These traits will be some of the most rare and sought after and will offer the best FLR boosting properties when fused with your Bare Bonez NFT!

*The majority of Traits will be sold in FLR but will be much more common.

62.5% of the BNZ Token will be distributed back to the community, with 50% of that being airdopped to both Block Bonez minters and holders!

Of what's left, the majority will be used as a catalyst to fuel the growth of the community via competitions whilst also acting as a war chest to be deployed with the aim of fostering collaboartions, increasing liquidity, bolstering project wallets and partnerships with other prominent builders in the space.

🔥 Block Bonez - Burn 2 Earn! 💰

One unique and long-term utility for BNZ is the ability to "Burn 2 Earn" a share of the "Urn" wallet at the end of the FlareDrop period. The Urn wallet only increases until then via Trait Store sales, royalty share and various other sources. Once enabled, BNZ will be burnt in order to redeem for a share of this Urn wallet, proportional to the amount of BNZ destroyed!


BNZ Crematorium Contract - Responsible for burning BNZ out of existence and an ever increasing rate, creating a persistant deflationary pressure. View the open-source contract here.

BNZ Burnt are sourced from Trait Sales and Royalties from secondary sales!



🪂 BNZ Airdrop Claim! 🪂

Over the course of the project, each Block Bonez NFT will be eligible to claim (upto) 5 Airdrops of 750 BNZ (for each NFT held). Simply connect your wallet, input the TokenId of the NFT you wish to claim and confirm the transaction!

Current Airdrop Claim: 1/5

1. Connect Wallet

2. Select Token Id:

3. Click Claim

Claim Period Ending: June 1st